We would be delighted if you could join us. Annual membership is £12 for an individual or £20 for a family, though any amount or donation greater than this will always be very much appreciated.*
Please complete the form below.
I/we wish to become a Friend (annual renewal)
I enclose a cheque for £......................... by way of subscription and donation, made payable to The Friends of Widford Church
Or you can subscribe or donate online:
Sort Code: 00-00-00
A/c. No: 12345678.
Gift Aid Declaration (optional)
I want the Friends of Widford Church to treat all donations I have made for the four years prior to this year and this tax year and from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations.
*Membership of the Friends of Widford Church gives automatic entry into the £100 Draw at the AGM.
All enquiries to:
Hugh O’Reilly (Chairman)
Tel: (01279) 843324.
1 Elia Cottage, Widford SG12 8TH or
Gilda Deterding (Secretary)
Tel: (01279) 842165.
5 Daintrees, Widford SG12 8SL.